Above expectations and Beyond imagination.


Passion for yachting

Countless hours with youthful enthusiasm were spent envisioning, designing, and conversing a singular, luxury leisure vessel with groundbreaking innovation unlike any other.

Aluminum Mastery:
Empowering the Future with Precision-Engineered Catamarans

Aluminum, a versatile and lightweight element, stands at the helm of modern catamaran engineering. Its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio enables precision in crafting sleek, high-performance vessels. With corrosion resistance against the sea's elements, aluminum ensures enduring durability, propelling catamarans to navigate waters with agility and efficiency.

Aluminum, a versatile and lightweight element, stands at the helm of modern catamaran engineering. Its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio enables precision in crafting sleek, high-performance vessels. With corrosion resistance against the sea's elements, aluminum ensures enduring durability, propelling catamarans to navigate waters with agility and efficiency.

Unique Strengths

Chartering customers now favor Catamarans for leisure voyages due to several key advantages:

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Power Catamarans notably offer faster speeds compared to Sailing Catamarans.

at Low

Sailing Catamarans reach speeds of 8-10 knots, while Power Catamarans can achieve 14-15 knots. Remarkably, the Overseas 55 Power attains a cruise speed of up to 22 knots with significaly lower fuel consumption due to its lightweight aluminum construction.


Crafted entirely from marine-grade aluminum 5 series (AI-Mg), renowned for its premium attributes - durability, lightweight composition, safety, adaptability, and recyclability.